Saturday 6 August 2016

(18) Bhikshu and Taamasee Shraddhaa

 (Then enters a  बौद्धभिक्षु/ Buddhist monk, with a book in hand)

BHIKSHU- (one who lives on alms as per his religious dictums)
“Hey Hey Seekers!
सर्वे क्षणक्षयिण एव निरात्मकाश्च
यत्रार्पिता बहिरिव प्रतिभान्ति भावाः
सैवाधुना विगलिताखिलवासनत्वात्
धीसंततिः स्फुरति निर्वियोपरागा [8]

All objects perish within a moment.
They have no existence.
The ideas in the intellect alone appear as if outside.
That ‘succession of ideas’ alone,
where all Vaasanaas (latent tendencies) are destroyed,
shines without any attraction towards the sense pleasures.

{Buddhism maintains that all objects including all experiences are impermanent and inconstant and that attachment to the outside world causes suffering. Buddhism denies the concept of an eternal Self. According to Buddhism, the Self is not independent from the rest of the Universe. All phenomena sentient or not, do not have ‘self-nature’ and have no underlying essence. Only Shoonyata or emptiness prevails all.}

(moves about and praising one’s cult says)

Aha! This Buddhist cult (Sougata-Dharma) is the best of all as it bestows both bliss and liberation.
As it is-
आवासो लयनं मनोहरमभिप्रायानुरूपा वणिङ्नार्यो वान्च्छितकालमिष्टमशनं
शय्या मृदुप्रस्तराः
श्रद्धापूर्वमुपासिता युवतिभिः क्लृप्ताङ्गदानोत्सवक्रीडानन्दभरैर्व्रजन्ति विलसज्ज्योत्स्नोज्ज्वला रात्रयः [9]

A house to live; the wives of the merchants who act as per the wishes;
delicious food at desired times; soft mattress to sleep;
passage of the moon-lit nights in various amorous sports
through festivities where young girls worship devotedly
offering their fully blossomed bodies.”

{The rich household followers of the Buddhist cult prevailing at those times permitted their wives to serve the monks by offering their bodies in service - बौद्धपरिव्राजकलिङ्गपूजा)

“Friend! Who is this person? He is tall like the young Taala tree! He wears long and loosely hanging saffron robe! The top region of his head is fully shaven like a barren garden!”

“Friend! This person belongs to the Buddhist cult!”

BHIKSHU- (loudly)
“Ho Ho Seekers! Monks! Listen to the nectar like words of Sugata (Buddha).

(reads the book)

I see with my divine eyes the good and bad of the world. All accomplishments are momentary. The Aatman is not eternal. Therefore the wives serving the monks should not be looked upon with malice. The malice is the dirt of the heart.

(looks behind the screen)

Shraddhaa! Come here!”

(Taamasic Shraddhaa enters dressed as per the codes ordained by Buddhists)

“What is the command of the royal family?”

“Remain embracing the seekers and monks.”

“As the royal family commands!”

(Shraddhaa leaves)

“Friend! This one also is the Taamasee Shraddhaa!”


“So she is!”

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