Saturday 6 August 2016

(12) Purusha meets MaahaaMoha

(looking at the back screen)
“Hey! Who is there?”

(दौवारिक/Door-keeper enters)

“May the king be victorious! May the king be victorious! May the Lord give orders!”

“Hey Asatsanga (one who avoids the company of the wise)!
Tell Kaama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada, Maatsarya (Desire, Anger, Greed, Delusion, Arrogance, Envy) that ‘You all should be very alert at all times and somehow kill Yoginee VishnuBhakti’.

 “As the lord commands!”

(The door-keeper leaves)

{‘Avoiding the company of the wise’ (the door-keeper) keeps the mind in great delusion and makes the entry possible for desire, anger etc. When all these vices are dominating, there cannot arise any devotion for Vishnu in the mind. As long as such devotion has not made appearance, ‘Delusion’ rules supreme and Viveka, the discriminating power remains defeated. The man drowned in delusion will never seek the study of Upanishads and Prabodha or enlightenment will never ever get born.}

(Then enters PURUSHA with a letter in hand)

{Purusha means the ‘Embodied Self /Self’ which resides in the city of nine gates.
He as the Purusha has descended from the Purushottama, the Supreme Lord Vishnu.
Here he is completely a slave of delusion and acts without any control. All the vices are dominant and he acts as per the emotion that dominates his mind. Now he is dominated by pride and arrogance. He likes the theories made by the Chaarvaakas who propound the heretic religion. He is happy in his deluded dark world.}

“I have come from the country of UTKALA (where Orissa is situated now).
There is a temple known as Purushottama on the ocean bank.
Venerable ‘Mada’ (Arrogance) and ‘Maana’ (Pride) have sent me here to meet the king.
This is the city of Vaaraanasee! This is the king’s palace. I will enter inside.
He seems to be busy conversing with venerable Chaarvaaka. I will go near him.
Victory Victory Venerable one! Venerable one has sent this letter for you to see.”

(He gives the letter to the king)

“Where are you from?”

“I have come from Purushottama.”

MAHAAMOHA- (to himself)
“Whatever I do will result in worse consequences.”
Chaarvaaka go. Be vigilent always and complete the duties allotted to you.”

“As the Lord commands!”

(Chaarvaaka leaves)

MAHAAMOHA- (reads the letter)
“(SVASTI) May all be safe!
Mada and Maana from the place called Purushottama offer their eightfold-limb salutations to the feet of MahaaMoha, the great king of kings, the Supreme Lord of all, and report thus.
There is limitless well-being!
The news is that Devi Shaanti (Peace) along with her mother Shraddhaa (Faith) has become a messenger for Viveka; and is trying to convince Devi Upanishat to unite with Viveka; and is working hard for this purpose night and day continuously.
And also, Dharma (Righteousness) though is a friend of Kaama (Passion) seems to have broken up with him by the influence of Vairaagya (Dispassion) and others. The reason is, he leaves Kaama and wanders elsewhere unknown to Kaama. Lordship must scrutinize these matters and act accordingly. Salutations!”

MAHAAMOHA- (angrily)
“Ah! Have they become so weak that they fear even that Shaanti? When Kaama is there acting against them all, how can she survive?
And also-
धाता विश्वविसृष्टिमात्रनिरतो देवोsपि गौरीभुजाश्लेषानन्दविघूर्णमाननयनो
दैत्यारिः कमलाकपोलमकरीलेखाङ्कितोरःस्थलः शेते अब्धावितरेषु जन्तुषु
पुनः का नाम शान्तेः कथा [28]

Brahma is engaged only in creating worlds.
Shiva, the destroyer of Daksha’s Sacrifice,
 bound by the chains of Parvati’s arms and with eyes lolling in intoxication,
 is in a blissful state.
Vishnu, the slayer of demons is lying (on his snake-bed) in the ocean,
with his chest marked by lines formed by the fish-like designs of sandal paste on Lakshmi’s cheeks.
However can Shaanti (peace) be there in the beings of the world?

(addresses Purusha)

You rascal! Get out! Quickly go to Kaama and give our message.
‘We have found out that Dharma is turning deceitful! Do not trust him even for a moment. Tie him up firmly and hold on to him.’
This is the message.”

“As the Lord commands!”

(Purusha leaves)

{The embodied Self – Purusha is in the hold of MahaaMoha – the great delusion of forgetting one’s true nature of bliss and knowledge. The embodied Self now has to fulfill the duties of the life having the four goals of Dharma, Artha, Kaama and Moksha. (Through righteous means fulfill the rightful desires, earn needed wealth and strive for liberation.)
Purusha’s discrimination power – Viveka starts rising up suddenly due to some merits of the past.
He develops Shraddhaa – faith in the words of the noble and the wise.
His mind feels ‘Shaanti’ peace because of his Shraddhaa.
Shaanti (Peace) makes him seek the study of Upanishads so that he can free himself from the bondage of Samsaara. As a result he gets Vairaagya – Dispassion.
He stops running after objects of desire and neglects Kaama, one of the four goals of life.
The arrogance and pride which ruled him so far as the servants of MahaaMoha are alarmed by these new developments. They immediately inform MahaaMoha about this.
MahaaMoha who looks with contempt on Purusha who is doing all this in the mind gets angry with him.  He orders Kaama to hold on to Dharma and not allow the man to get dispassion by any chance, as desires alone can keep the man away from liberation.
Purusha is still under the hold of delusion. He is oscillating between the two states of delusion and discrimination – Moha and Viveka.}
{As the man seeks peace (Shaanti) always and wants to be free of desires which bring anxiety and apprehension, MahaMoha’s greatest worry is now Shaanti. He knows Vishnu-Bhakti will also support Shaanti. If he somehow gets rid of Shaanti, Viveka could be easily over powered. He thinks of ways to subdue Shaanti. }
{How can a man ever entertain peace of mind, if he gives in to greed or anger? MahaaMoha is confident that he can destroy peace through these two aides, Anger and Greed (Krodha and Lobha).}

MAHAAMOHA- (ponders) (to himself)
“How can this Shaanti be dealt with? Or why bother about planning anew something?
Krodha and Lobha are enough to complete this task.
Hey! Who is there?”

(दौवारिक/Door-keeper enters)

 “As the Lord commands!”

“Ask Krodha and Lobha to meet me immediately.”

 “As the Lord commands!”

(The door-keeper leaves)

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