Saturday 6 August 2016

(15) MithyaaDrshti and Vibhramaavati

“As I mentioned her as the daughter of Shraddhaa, some other plan has flashed in my mind now! Yes Yes!
Shaanti’s mother is Shradddhaa and so Shaanti is dependent on her.
Somehow Shraddhaa should be removed from the company of Upanishat Devi. Being very soft natured, Shaanti will pine for her mother and die.
The wayward lady MithyaaDrishti (Heretic doctrine) alone is highly efficient in such matters. She alone should be given this task.”

{If Purusha is made to lose his faith in Upanishads through heretic doctrines, his peace will be destroyed forever. Peace is always dependent on the faith.}

MAHAAMOHA- (looks sideways)
“Vibhramaavatee! Bring that coquettish lady MithyaaDrishti!”
{Vibhrama means confusion; perplexity}

“As the Lord commands!”

(She leaves and comes back with MithyaaDrishti)

“Friend! I have not seen the Lord for quite a long time! How will I be able to see his face now? Will he blame me by any chance?”

“Friend! When he sees your face, Lord will not be aware of himself! How will he censure you?”

“Friend! My good fortune has proved false! Why do you pretend to raise my esteem?”

“Friend! I see very well the falsified fortune of yours! And I see also that my dear friend’s eyes are heavy with drowsiness! Then tell me what reason is there for my dear friend’s lack of sleep?”

“Friend! Even if a woman has a single lover, she cannot get enough sleep. What to say of me who has lovers all over the world!”

“Who are all my dear friend’s lovers?”

“Friend! First one is the great king! Other than that there are Kaama, Krodha, Lobha and Ahamkaara! Enough of taking particular names! Whoever is born in this family, be he a child or an old man, or a youth, can not pass his days and nights without me as I am well-established in his heart.”
{Wherever anger, greed or any such negative emotions dominate, the mind cannot think clearly. MithyaaDrishti alone remains there in union with the MahaaMoha, the complete forgetfulness of one’s true nature.}

“But I have heard that Kaama’s spouse is Rati; Krodha’s is Himsaa; Lobha’s is Trishnaa.
How do you not make them all jealous when entertaining their lovers?”

“Friend! How can you talk of jealousy? They also cannot remain happy without me, even for a moment!”

“Friend! That is why I say that there is no woman on this earth who is as fortunate as you; for, even those rival wives, whose hearts are tormented by the great fortune of yours, wait for your grace.  
Friend, I will say another thing to you, that if you present yourself to the king with your sleepy eyes, and with stumbling and unsteady steps revealed by the un-rhythmic tinkling of the anklets, you will only raise his suspicion.”

“What is there to be suspicious about? We are in this condition only because of following the order of the king. And also my friend, what is there to fear in these men who become pleased just by the very sight of lovely women?”

(MahaaMoha sees MithyaaDrishti approaching him)

MAHAAMOHA- (looking)
“Aha! Dear MithyaaDrishti is here now.
She is-
श्रोणीभारभरालसा दरगलन्माल्योपवृत्तिच्छलाल्लीलोत्क्षिप्तभुजोपदर्शितकुचोन्मीलन्नखाङ्गावलिः
नीलेन्दीवरदामदीर्घरतया दृष्ट्या धयन्ती मनो दोष्णान्दोलनलोलकङ्कणरणत्कारोत्तरं सर्पति [34]

Her heavy hips are slowing her gait.
The nail marks are clearly seen on the breasts
revealed by the playful movement of the flower garland hanging from the shoulders which is trying to stay stable in its position
 as it keeps slipping down from the shoulder slightly.
 With her amorous glances stretching like a garland of blue lotuses
 she swallows the (already melted) mind.
The two shoulders move about as she walks, making the bangles roll about and accompanied by its tinkling sounds she approaches slowly.”

“Here is the great king! Let my dear friend go near him.”

MITHYAADRISHTI- (approaches the king)
“Victory Victory to the king!”

दलितकुचनखाङ्कमङ्कपालीं रचय ममाङ्कमुपेत्य पीवरोरु
अनुहर हरिणाक्षि शङ्कराङ्कस्थितहिमशैलसुताविलासलक्ष्मीं [35]

O you of lovely hips!
Sit on my lap and embrace me tightly
so that the nail marks on your breasts get erased.
O you of deer-like eyes!
Imitate the amorous play of Paarvati seated on the lap of Shankara.”

 (MithyaaDrishti flashes a smile and does what he says)

MAHAAMOHA- (enacts the joy got from her embrace)
“Ahaha! By the embrace of the beloved, I have got back my youth again.”

{Because of misconceived notions of reality, delusion gets renewed and becomes firmly established in the mind.}

“As it is-
यः प्रागासीदभिनववयोविभ्रमावाप्तजन्मा
चित्तोन्माथी विविधविषयोपप्लवानन्दसान्द्रः
वृत्तीरन्तस्तिरयति तवाश्लेजन्मा स कोsपि
प्रौढ: प्रेमा नव इव पुनर्मान्मथो मे विकारः [36]

 The life which was an intoxicated state as I entered the threshold of youth,
filling the heart with excitement,
making me drown in a dense state of joy when enjoying various types of sense pleasures,
that intense passion which was there in my past youthful years,
that passion has again newly arisen now because of your tight embrace
filling the heart with a joy inexperienced so far
and blocking all outside thoughts.”

“Your Highness! I too have become young again! The love which is intensely felt does not change even after a long time.
Order me, My Lord, for what purpose I was remembered by your Highness!” 

स्मर्यते सा हि वामोरु या भवेद्धृदयाद्बहिः
मच्चित्तभित्तौ भवती शालभञ्जीव राजते [37]

O my beloved with lovely hips!
She alone can be remembered who is outside the heart!
You shine like a carved statue on the wall of my heart!”

“I am blessed indeed!”

“Whatever you are doing now- wandering all over the world exposing your lovely limbs- continue to do that alone. Moreover that Shraddhaa, the lowly daughter of the whore,   has taken over the job of a bawd and trying to unite Viveka with Upanishat!
प्रतिकूलामकुलजां पापं पापानुवर्तिनीं
केशेष्वाकृष्य तां रण्डां पाषण्डेषु निवेशय [38]

That evil female of lowly family is acting against us.
She is evil and goes behind evil men like Shama and others.
Drag that whore by hair and throw her at the heretics.”

“For such a light task, Lordship need not worry so much! Your words are enough to make Shraddhaa, the slave of the Lord to follow all your orders without fail! I will instruct her that Dharma is false, Liberation is false, Vedic path is false, the prattles of Scriptures only obstruct the attainment of happiness and that the fruit of heaven is false. She will verily discard the path of the Vedas completely. What to say of Upanishat?
And also, I will prove to Shraddhaa the foolishness of seeking liberation discarding the joy of sense pleasures and make her feel averse towards Upanishat even.”

{The seeker after liberation who is developing faith towards Upanishads and getting prepared to study them will get convinced by the logic of heretics and will develop faith in their words. He will again start enjoying sense pleasures thus making MahaaMoha secure in the kingdom of his intellect. Viveka will get defeated easily and die.}

“If that is the case, then you have made me very happy my beloved!”
(embraces her again and kisses)

“I feel embarrassed by such actions of his highness in the open!”

“Let it be so! We will enter the inner palace.”

(All leave)

इति श्रीकृष्णमिश्रविरचिते प्रबोधचन्द्रोदये द्वितीयोsङ्क:








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